Thursday, December 05, 2013
Heyyy guys~!!!:)

So today is the amazing Mr. Walt Disney's birthday~!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WALT!! If you haven't wished him a happy birthday yet, please do<3 I'm sure he's having a wonderful time in Disneyland Heaven~

Walt is my hero. Walt taught us that if you can dream it, you can do it. He always followed his dreams and strived to create a place of excitement and joy for families to enjoy<3 If it weren't for Walt, my life wouldn't have nearly been as exciting and lively as it is now becuase of the long line of characters under his name.

Walt, you're an ongoing legacy, and you will forever live on in our hearts<3

So to celebrate my love for Disney and to celebrate Walt's birthday,
I dolled up for Disney~!

Hope you have a magical day/night, my Marshebbies~ xoxo

Update Thingamabob

Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Hiyaaaa guys~!

Soap, I thought I should give a small update on things and whatnot. I apologize if you find this boring, but yeah^^
As you have noticed, I stink at updating this blog, but please bear with me ^~^

Tomo and I have some things planned for this weekend~!:

-- Friday
   ~ watching Elf
   ~ omegle (?)

-- Saturday:
   ~ watch Monsters Inc.
   ~ film episode 2 of Japanese Lessons with Tomo

-- Sunday:
   ~ new video (?)
   ~ going to see Frozen

AND when we go see Frozen, Tomo and I are going to try and cosplay as casual Elsa and Anna~! So be sure to check out my Instagram on Sunday for that;)

And finally...my OOTD~! `~;..;~`

Stay coo, my Marshebbies~ xoxo

I saw Frozen~!!!

Heyaaa guys~! I hope you're all having a good day:)

So last week I took a short trip to Edmonton to WEM and I got to see Frozen, the new Disney animated movie that presents Disney's two newest princesses, Anna and Elsa.

Elsa (left) and Anna (right)

Now, I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain much just because EVERYONE knows about this movie but I'd just like to talk about it because it's my current obsession<3

WARNING: There is a possibility that I might give a spoiler so if you don't like spoilers, don't read the paragraph below;)

Okay so first off I love the fact that this movie totally bypassed the whole 'true love is shared with prince charming' and that the true love that saved Anna was the sister love shared with Elsa<3 Cutest. Thing. Ever. 
I instantly thought of Tomo and I when watching this movie because our true love is the sister love that we both share too, so I felt very familiar to the two girls<3

This movie also made me realize that sisters don't have to be exactly alike or have everything in common to have a strong sister bond. Again, I thought of Tomo and I. We do share a lot of common traits (e.g. our sisterhood, the fact that we apparently look alike, our love for Japanese pop culture, we both love drawing, etc.,) but then Tomo has her individual likes (visual kei, gothic lolita, murder animes) and I have mine (Disney, AoT, fairy kei) and we're both the best of friends<3 

I also noticed that Anna and I are 97% the same person. We share very similar traits and we both love our sisters more than anything in the whole world<3 Anna's really special to me because of this, so she has become my dream cosplay (Petra from AoT is a close second)-;-

Okay, that is all~ If you haven't seen Frozen yet, please do. It's a truly magical movie<3

Well done Disney, well done. *clap clap clap*




Saturday, November 23, 2013
Good morning/afternoon all~! I hope you're all having a good day:)

So yesterday my cosplay group (heh heh, just my sister Tomo and myself) CrazyKeiCosplay went on omegle again and I just love meeting new people (usually). Sometimes you enter the tag 'cosplay' and get an 80 year old man, but whatever. ^~^'

I told my people on Instagram to enter the tag 'crazykeicosplay' if they wanted to meet us and we met four fans<3 Ohmigosh, it was so awesome! 
I find it so amazing when a fan will grin when they see us or even fangirl, it's so...gahh! It makes us feel famous well-known when we get reactions like that. Us ourselves even squealed when we found someone who entered the tag 'crazykeicosplay' like, "Ohmigosh! A fan!"
And then we find posts on Instagram that they've taken of us and it's just amazing that we've come this far, and we only started becoming "known" in August!
 And we made a new friend who was over the moon hilarious and we miss him like heck already!

Point is, there are pretty darn awesome people out there that make us feel special and we love you for that<3

Stay coo, my Marshebbies~ xoxo