
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Good morning/afternoon all~! I hope you're all having a good day:)

So yesterday my cosplay group (heh heh, just my sister Tomo and myself) CrazyKeiCosplay went on omegle again and I just love meeting new people (usually). Sometimes you enter the tag 'cosplay' and get an 80 year old man, but whatever. ^~^'

I told my people on Instagram to enter the tag 'crazykeicosplay' if they wanted to meet us and we met four fans<3 Ohmigosh, it was so awesome! 
I find it so amazing when a fan will grin when they see us or even fangirl, it's so...gahh! It makes us feel famous well-known when we get reactions like that. Us ourselves even squealed when we found someone who entered the tag 'crazykeicosplay' like, "Ohmigosh! A fan!"
And then we find posts on Instagram that they've taken of us and it's just amazing that we've come this far, and we only started becoming "known" in August!
 And we made a new friend who was over the moon hilarious and we miss him like heck already!

Point is, there are pretty darn awesome people out there that make us feel special and we love you for that<3

Stay coo, my Marshebbies~ xoxo